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ZCMIM Design Tips
ZCMIM provides professional metal injection molding technology resources to optimize MIM design and manufacturing process.
MIM Design Tips
MIM Design Consideration
Except the normal principle in MIM design Guideline, there are still some detail considerations to be noticed for a successful MIM project.
MIM Parts Size Analysis
In ZCMIM professional design and evaluation process, it is important to realize the parts size impact final MIM final cost and efficiency.
Design Thinking in MIM
IntroductionDesign thinking is a cost-effective effective way for our MIM engineering team to understand customers project.
Optimize MIM Design
ZCMIM engineering team notices the basic consideration to optimize MIM design, in order to guarantee our MIM parts quality and performance.
Designing for Metal Injection Molding
Designing for metal injection molding is critical for MIM manufacturing, there is greater chance of successful adaption of MIM technology.
Parts Consolidation in MIM
MIM part consolidation can integrate and consolidate several separate components combine into a single, net-shape molded parts.